28.10.-30.10.2024: Annual Retreat

Kloster Weltenburg, Bayern


Over the last three days, we had an inspiring meeting at Weltenburg Monestary. Located directly on the Danube, we had the opportunity to discuss our CRC sub-projects in historic surroundings. We were particularly pleased about the participation of our guests. Prof. Ramamurthy Vaidhyanathan, Prof. Katja Heinze and Dr. Sami Lakhdar presented their research work to us and also took part in the presentations and poster session of our graduates. On the first day, the PhD students had the opportunity to learn more about the history of photochemistry and the possibilities to elucidate mechanisms. Many thanks to Prof. Ramamurthy Vaidhyanathan and Dr. Sami Lakhdar for their valuable work and effort. Also this year, our members had the opportunity to discuss specially selected topics in a Power Hour and talk to the PIs in an informal environment. Our topics were time management, building a network and work-life balance. Many thanks to Cathleen Zeymer, Patrick Nürnberger, Robert Wolf, Ruth Gschwind, Golo Storch and Enrico Tapavicza who worked intensively on these themes.

The winners of the International Catalysis Conf. poster prize, Daniel Grenda and Benedikt Boesen, were presented with their prize during the general assembly and our review of the past year. Congratulations again on your success.

It were interesting and constructive days, during which we were not only able to discuss current collaborations and work, but also look to the future and make new contacts. Many thanks to all our speakers and participants in the poster session and their valuable contribution to the success of the annual retreat.


Invited Speakers: Dr. Sami Lakhdar (Universität Paul Sabatier, Toulouse), Prof. Dr. Katja Heinze (Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz) and Prof. Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy (University of Miami).

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© by CRC 325