19.06.2023: Vernissage LightProArt

Opening of the Art Exhibition LightProArt

From 19.06. - 27.06.2023 the art students from the University of Regensburg will present their work in the Immatrikulationshalle of the TUM, Aricisstraße 21, 80333 München

LightProArt was developed as an interdisciplinary project between the graduates of the CRC 325 and the art students of the University of Regensburg. The art students visited our chemistry laboratories and got an insight in our daily working routine. In addition, the importance of light as an essential ingredient for our reactions has been emphasized. With this impressions the art students created different approaches to combine and transmit Chemistry - Light - Art. Art EnLights Chemistry!

Come by and see yourself! Between 19.06. - 27.06.2023 the art pieces will be on display in the Immatrikulationshalle of the TUM. The exhibiton will be opened on 19th of June, 19:00. 

© by Sofia Seidl

© by Sofia Seidl